Note: Site is being actively rebuilt in early 2021. Your patience is appreciated.

New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Chaplin Hall

(formerly Carnegie Hall and the Chaplin Library)
Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont

library is on the left

Designed by Kerby, Petit & Green of New York, with revisions by F.A. Walker of Montpelier, Vermont

Georgian Revival Style

Chaplin Hall, Norwich University, Northfield VT 05663

A Brief History of the Building

1905: Andrew Carnegie gave $25,000 to the university to build the library.

1908: The building was dedicated as Carnegie Hall. The upper floors housed the library, and the lower floors housed the electrical engineering department.

1941: The electrical engineering department moved to its own building, and library services took over the entire building.

1952-53: The library underwent renovation, with funds donated by Henry Prescott Chaplin (1885-1962), a local businessman and a trustee of the university. It was reopened as the Henry Prescott Chaplin Library.

1961-1962: The library was enlarged to twice its original size, with a rear addition.

1991: Kreitzberg Library was constructed as the main library of the university. The Chaplin library building became vacant.

1993: The University combined its military and civilian students onto one campus. A student competition was held to design a renovation project that would turn the former library into a facility for the School of Architecture and Art. The winning team worked with the architects on the $2 million renovation. The School moved into its new home in the Fall.

This building now houses the School of Architecture and Art.

Additional historical views

Color postcard and additional historical views supplied by the Norwich University Archives and Special Collections.

2009 photos