New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Dudley-Tucker Library

Raymond, New Hampshire

Architect unknown

Colonial Revival Style

PO Box 909, 9 Epping Street, Raymond NH  03077-0909

Library web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1906:  Andrew Carnegie gave $2,000 to the town to build the library.

1908:  The new library opened on October 1.

1974:  The interior of the building was refurbished.

1993:  A two-story addition was built which featured an elevator for handicapped accessibility.

2004:  The building got new siding.

2020:   The library received a generous bequest from the George Clarke Estate last year and installed a new outdoor sign

 These three photos and information were supplied by the Dudley-Tucker Library.

historical photo

2005 photos


2020 photo