Note: Site is being actively rebuilt in early 2021. Your patience is appreciated.

New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Carnegie Library

Good Will-Hinckley
Fairfield, Maine

Designed by Albert Randolph Ross, New York City

Classical Revival Style

Post Office Box 159, Route 201, Hinckley ME 04944

School web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1905: Andrew Carnegie gave $15,000 to the Good Will Home Association to build the library.

1906: Construction began on the brick and granite building. The year is noted on the cornerstone.

1907: The library was dedicated on May 29th.

1970s: A suspended ceiling was installed underneath the dome.

Photo and postcards were supplied by Karen Fournier, Librarian, Carnegie Library, Good Will-Hinckley.

2005 photo & postcard from the 1970s

2009 photos