New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

private residence

(formerly the South Worcester Branch Library)
Worcester, Massachusetts

Designed by Henry D. Whitefield

Classical Revival Style

705 Southbridge Street, Worcester MA  01607

A Brief History of the Building

1910:  Andrew Carnegie gave $75,000 to Worcester to build three branch libraries. 

1913:  Andrew and Louise Carnegie were on hand to witness the laying of the cornerstones for all three libraries on March 26.  The South Worcester Branch location was visited first that day.  Click here to read more about that occasion.

1914:  The library opened in February.

2003-2004:   The original structure was turned into condominiums.

This building now consists of two private residences.

Historical photo was taken from volume 2 of Charles Nutt's History of Worcester and Its People (New York:  Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1919).

2005 photos