New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Walpole Public Library

Walpole, Massachusetts

original building

Designed by J. Lawrence Berry

Classical Revival Style

65 Common Street, Walpole MA  02081-2804

Library web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1901:  Andrew Carnegie gave $15,000 to the town to build the library.  Charles Sumner Bird donated the land.

1903:  The new building was dedicated on May 14.

1930:  The Charles Sumner Bird Children's Room opened on the lower floor.

1967:  The town voted unanimously to build an addition onto the library.

1968:  The new front addition was ready for occupancy by July.  The old part of the building was vacated for renovation.

2008:  This library was awarded a construction grant of more than $3 million from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.  The hope is to build a larger facility on a property elsewhere in the town.

 Information and original drawing were supplied by the Walpole Public Library.

2005 photos