New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Carnegie Public Library

Turners Falls, Massachusetts

Designed by William McLean of McLean & Wright, Boston

Carnegie Classical Revival Style

201 Avenue A, Turners Falls MA  01376-1989

Library web site:

A Brief History of the Building

1903:  Andrew Carnegie gave $13,500 to the town to build the library.

1985:  The town received an historic preservation grant from Mass Historic to restore the exterior.

1997:  A ramp was built on the south side for handicapped access.

This is the only operating Carnegie library in Massachusetts that carries the title in its name.  It might also be the only library to have a mounted moose on the wall of the children's area.

This building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

 Information was supplied by the Carnegie Public Library.   The moose photo was taken in March 2009.

2005 photos