Note: Site is being actively rebuilt in early 2021. Your patience is appreciated.

New England Carnegies

A site that honors the libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped to fund

Radio Amor

(former Davenport Branch Library)
New Haven, Connecticut

Architect unknown

Classical Revival Style

265 Portsea Street , New Haven CT  06519

A Brief History of the Building

1913:  Andrew Carnegie gave $60,000 to New Haven to build three branch libraries.

1978:  Library services moved to the Roberto Clemente School.

1980:  The interior was remodeled and a ramp was added to the side of the building.

1980s:  The building was used as the Davenport Senior Citizens Center.

This building now houses a radio station.

   Information supplied by Kathie Hurley, Public Information Office, New Haven Free Public Library.

2005 photo